Friday, January 22, 2010

Smelly Urine Thrush My Big Male Dog Has Very Strong And Smelly Urine. Is There Anything I Can Give Him To Reduce The Smell?

My big male dog has very strong and smelly urine. Is there anything I can give him to reduce the smell? - smelly urine thrush

Yes, it needs more water, has noticed that you are dehydrated during the day, the urine tends to smell stronger, because its powerful, so it is with a dog. Give more water, but you need to give more rides as needed.


  1. Ask your vet to check. You need to give Medicaid or advice

  2. ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'January 24, 2010 at 6:34 AM

    Sterilization is anything you can do !!!!!! It is simple in nature ... The people are very smelly urine!

  3. Use sterilized. The urine does not feel 10% as bad as it is now. I think there is probably some fancy dog food might work too .. know.
