Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gum Ulcer Or Abscess How Long Will It Take For This Ulcer To Go?

How long will it take for this ulcer to go? - gum ulcer or abscess

Have difficulty in an area outside one of my molars, suddenly a few days ago, nothing special to see that there is no redness, but the tooth pain with hot food. Dental abscesses are not saying ... beat the gums with a toothbrush or nail? Any help with the move faster?


  1. quickest way is to deal with an ulcer gargle with salt water ... I speak from experience about this and have tried almost all spa ... Salt water works best

    Ulcers can be a sign of stress or fatigue as easy for a few hours later

  2. Bonjela Gel - and do not bite. It takes about 3 to 4 days

  3. Use Bonjela Gel Corsodyl or help with pain but not heal within 7 days, what do you do with it.

  4. I still suffer from chemical and mouth ulsers did have something called anbasol what really tried

  5. 2.3 Wekker taqke can


    UR imunitary ssyteme:)

  6. Take a vitamin B complex and zinc is still working for me.
